Sonntag, 20. Mai 2007
Radio Broadcast - Interview

Interview with a Korean American after the "Vincent Chin"-Case.

Interviewer: Hello, thank you for giving us that
Interview. Well, you are Mark
Twin, a Korean store owner, right?

MarkTwin: Yeah, that’s right.

Interviewer: So, you’ve heard of the “Vincent
Chin” case?

MarkTwin: For sure I did.

Interviewer: What was your reaction, when
you first heard about it?

MarkTwin: I was quite shocked! I couldn’t
believe, that they got away with
that little punishment.

Interviewer: So you think they should have
received a bigger fine?

MarkTwin: If I were the judge I would prison
them for at least 20years. There’s
nothing to discuss…they attacked
him without any real reason.

Interviewer: How much did the racism in
America influence that action?
What do you think? Was it more
the racism in general or was it
more the bad working car industry
of America because of Japan?

MarkTwin: Well, I think the real reason was
the racism by itself. The thing
with the car industry was just a
bad accuse for their act.

Interviewer: What do you think should be done
concerning the little judgement?

MarkTwin: We should go and get fair judges.
That’s absolutely racist, that
judgement. And all that although
the judge is an official
representing the state.

Interviewer: You mean the state should more
represent the American dream?

MarkTwin: That’s exactly my point. There’s
not much about that great
American dream. But it seems to
get more and more usual to
everyone, that we Koreans are all
discriminated against.

Interviewer: As a conclusion, what would you
say as a final sentence?

MarkTwin: I wish just fairness, not more!
Acceptance and Fairness.

Interviewer: I thank you for taking your time.

MarkTwin: You’re welcome.

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