Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2007
Radio Broadcast - Interview

Interview: Interview with a non-immigrated person.

At 19th March (1991) a Korean American Shop-owner shot down an African American girl, after he thought the girl would want to steal somethin. We got a guest today, Dan Miller.

Interviewer: Hello Dan.

Dan: Hello.

Interviewer: What did u think about that action of
that shop owner, when you heard about it?

Dan: Well, i was quite shocked! I couldn't believe what happened there.

Interviewer: Did you already knew anything about the background of that action concerning the African-

Korean-American relationship.

Dan: No, i didn't really know much. But when i heard about that shocking thing I also snapped up some things.

Interviewer: And then you knew more about it?

Dan: Well, no...but i talked about that to some people and they told me more about it.

Interviewer: And what do you think about those tensions?

Dan: Absolutely useless....but well...there are always tensions in a way.

Interviewer: Okay, thank you.

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Radio Broadcast: Riots in Los Angeles

The News: After Riots in 25-square-mile south-central Los Angeles

Los Angeles – 24 people had been killed last night
and the majority of them by gunfire.
There were Riots in LA in the 25-
square-mile south-central Los Angeles
district, where many blacks and Latinos
live.. Around 1000 buildings had been
destroyed and many people got
injured. Police counted more than 400
arrests last night! Gangs robbed shops
and set fires and broke stores. Police-
speaker told us, that mainly young
people did that.

More about that in the 20 o’clock Late News!

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