Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2007
Radio Broadcast - News

News: After a competition they read the winners text. The competition was about explaining the Japs. [A show as it might have been while racist times agains the Japanese.]

- Hello there. Today I'll tell you who won the $500 reward from the "How-to-recognize-the-Japs"-Event.
The Winner is Misses Harford from Colorado. She wrote the best text. After you've heard it you will instantly know who's Japanese and who isn't.

And here is it: "Virtually all Japanese are short. Japanese are to be stockier and broader-hipped than short Chinese. Japanese are seldom fat; they often dry up and grow lean as they age. Although both have the typical epicanthic fold of the upper eyelid, Japanese eyes are usually set closer together. The Chinese expression is likely to be more placid, kindly, open; the Japanese more positive, dogmatic, arrogant. Japanese are hesitant, nervous in conversation, laugh loudly at the wrong time. Japanese walk stiffly erect, hard heeled. Chinese, more relaxed, have an easy gait, sometimes shuffle."

Yeah, that was it. A big thanks to all who took part of it. And now we'll go on with....

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Radio Broadcast - Interview

Interview with a "Native borne" American about the Immigrants situation.

Interviewer: Hello Michael. You are from the US and you aren't related to immigrants, is that true?

Michael: Yeah, that's right.

Interviewer: So, what do you think about the
immigrants. Do you like them or do you hate all of them or...what do you think?

Michael: Well, i think you expect now, that i say that i like all of them and so on, as every1 would expect to say in radio. But i'll say the truth. I don't like most of them. They are...yeah..different and actually they don't seem to be friendly. I know some immigrants who are working with me. But that are exceptions. Most of them are...yeah more poor people and they seem to be not that gently.

Interviewer: You said, that they were different. Well, do you think they are integrated in Americas society.

Michael: No, i don't think so. They still live aside the native Americans. That might be the biggest problem. If they want to be a part of the American society they have to live with us. But living aside and always crying about beeing treated in another way is wrong.

Interviewer: What would you tell them to do?

Michael: "We don't hate you as human beeings, we hate you how you act...try to be with us and we'll tolerate it!"

Interviewer: Thank you Michael.

- We heard a Native Americans Opinion -

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