Montag, 21. Mai 2007
Leaving: forbidden!
Before the 19th Century there was the "Quing-Dynasty" in China. So it was forbidden to emmigrate. In the Middle of the 19th Century the "Quing-Dynasty" broke down. But it was still not allowed to leave. But they didn't control it that much anymore.

How to leave?
It was easyer to leave China from Hon-Kong, because it was a british colony. Another way to leave the country easy was "Macao", which was a portuguese colony.

Who left?
In the most cases it were young male Chinese. They left their family behind to work in America. They could make money easier in America and most of that money had been sent back to China, to the family. Those who left didn't want to stay there long.

When did the most people emmigrate?
The most people emmigrated while the Californian Gold Rush. They thought they could make easy money there.