Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2007
Radio Broadcast - Interview

Interview: Interview with a non-immigrated person.

At 19th March (1991) a Korean American Shop-owner shot down an African American girl, after he thought the girl would want to steal somethin. We got a guest today, Dan Miller.

Interviewer: Hello Dan.

Dan: Hello.

Interviewer: What did u think about that action of
that shop owner, when you heard about it?

Dan: Well, i was quite shocked! I couldn't believe what happened there.

Interviewer: Did you already knew anything about the background of that action concerning the African-

Korean-American relationship.

Dan: No, i didn't really know much. But when i heard about that shocking thing I also snapped up some things.

Interviewer: And then you knew more about it?

Dan: Well, no...but i talked about that to some people and they told me more about it.

Interviewer: And what do you think about those tensions?

Dan: Absolutely useless....but well...there are always tensions in a way.

Interviewer: Okay, thank you.