Montag, 21. Mai 2007
Transcontinental Railroad
In the 1860s the first transcontinental railroad has been build. European workers were rare and they didn't work that good and fast and they wanted high wages. Most of the europeans didn't want such jobs. So Chinese workers were hired. They worked fast, good and cheap. The first Chinese workers were hired from the gold fields. But later even Chinese from China were called.

Crocker's pets
The chinese workers didn't look really strong and many people didn't believe, that they could do such work. That's why they were called "Crocker's pets". But they were wrong. They did in fact work very good!

Bad bad conditions!
The Chinese were low paid and they had to work long and hard. Noone cared for their security. Many Chinese died while they busted rocks out of the way in the mountains.

Here you can see how they had to work in winter:

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Leaving: forbidden!
Before the 19th Century there was the "Quing-Dynasty" in China. So it was forbidden to emmigrate. In the Middle of the 19th Century the "Quing-Dynasty" broke down. But it was still not allowed to leave. But they didn't control it that much anymore.

How to leave?
It was easyer to leave China from Hon-Kong, because it was a british colony. Another way to leave the country easy was "Macao", which was a portuguese colony.

Who left?
In the most cases it were young male Chinese. They left their family behind to work in America. They could make money easier in America and most of that money had been sent back to China, to the family. Those who left didn't want to stay there long.

When did the most people emmigrate?
The most people emmigrated while the Californian Gold Rush. They thought they could make easy money there.

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The Californian Gold Rush began 1848 when gold was discovered in Sutter's Mill. That was the reason why many people from the USA and even from other countries came to California to find "Gold" there.

The "Fourty-Niners" were the first people who came to California. They were called like that because most of the people who came with the first wave of gold miners came in 19"49".

What kind of people went there?
Most of the gold miners were poorer people who wanted to find their luck in the mines. They didn't have much and they wanted to change their live!

Just very few people became rich because of the gold, that they've found. Most of them returned home while they weren't really more rich.

Most of the Chinese Americans who went to California to find gold didn't want to stay there. Their plan was going there, becoming rich and return home to China. But that didn't work! Most of them didn't become rich at all. And many other just stayed there because America has become their home.

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Dienstag, 15. Mai 2007
The Chinese Exclusion Act was a law, that was passed by the US-Congress in 6th Mai 1882. This law has been passed to stop Chinese immigration to America.

What is it?
That law especially said, that Chinese workers weren't allowed to enter the United States for the next 10 years. Qualified manpower was still "wanted". But it often happened, that those qualified manpower was classified as "workers" and so they couldn't enter.

What happened then?
In 1884 that law has been extended. Now that Chinese Exclusion Act didn't just count for those, who were coming from China. Now it counted for the whole ethnic group of the chinese.

Why was it passed?
It was passed because the Chinese workers, who worked for very low wages were in concurence with the native workers, who just wanted more money. So there were anti-chinese movements.

What is so special about that Act?
It was the first lawin the history of the United States that was made against the immigration of a certain ethnic group.

A Video - A Non-Exclusion Statement:

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